The Feminine Revolution

The Feminine Revolution

Feminine Revolution Sweden’s Greta Thunberg is leading a younger generation’s protest against their elders inability to make headway against global warming. She fights for us all, and has made young people, in 36 countries, rally to her cause. What’s emerging is a...
JÖKen som GAL

JÖKen som GAL

Idag hävdar medierna att JÖKen (Januariöverenskommelsen) och den för många oälskade regeringsbildning vi nu upplever, är ett resultat av en GAL-gemenskap. Går detta nya förhållande att belägga eller finns det andra krafter i spel bakom detta resonemangsparti? GAL-TAN...
The Settlers

The Settlers

During 2018 I have had the privilege of serving on the jury of Boinstitutet deciding who is awarded Bopriset an award that acknowledges and rewards qualitative and attractive housing. This year’s winner was Helsingborgshem with their serious commitment to a truly...
Almedalen ’85

Almedalen ’85

Almedalen den 3 juli 1985 Palmes last speech Pernilla Wahlgren runs out on stage in a track suit sporting a fluffy eighties hairdo. Two strutting dancers are working hard on raising the mood. The bands guitarist is quite good and I’m impressed by how he plays...