Q-Ball is a Big Data system developed by Quattroporte. The system is based primarily on interdisciplinary methodology with entirely unique algorithms.
Q-Ball is a Big Data system constructed and developed by Quattroporte Konsult. The system is based primarily on interdisciplinary methodology with entirely unique algorithms that Peter Majanen has created alongside some of Sweden’s premier programmers and systems scientists.
How does it work?
Our analysis and guidance is based on four processes:
Gathering of data
We follow a multitude of sources and gather a gigantic amount of data (Q-Ball).
Structuring of data
We refine and structure the data.
We identify the trends and developments of the future.
Q-Ball gives you the opportunity to influence the process and perform “what if-testing”.
What could Q-Ball do for you?
Without bragging, there is very little that Q-Ball could not help you and your company with. Just to provide a few examples of Quattroporte has done:
- Analysis and identification of important future developments within a branch or field. Any branch or field. You decide.
- Q-Ball has, at the behest of numerous clients, analysed what truly drives the companies and their competitors. Based on this we have been able to identify Principa Media, that is especially sensitive points, that will enhance results quickly. Invaluable for a company that is interested in winning.
- Q-Ball can also affect the course of events through pure data driven communication. After certain events have been identified and we can ascertain what drives this development our models can be used to alter a probable outcome.
- Q-Ball has created exceptionally successful Stock portfolios and other assets. Something that has been verified and in some cases used by prominent players in the financial industry..
- Q-Ball has also succeeded with what no one or no thing should succeed with- the system has been able to identify crises and risks that in some cases have been Black Swans, i.e. completely unpredictable events.
Possible applications:
– Trend analysis
– Competitor analysis
– Developing strategies
– Target group analysis
– White spaces – things you didn’t know that you didn’t know.
These are some of our clients: